ときたまネコが登場する渋谷区民の日記 -The man lives in Shibuya with cats.



Ordinary Ramen

I ate ramen with my colleagues after working near the Shimbashi station. This was very ordinary ramen. There was nothing in particular that I'd like to say.

Unusual dumplings

I was so exhausted today because I taught to clients for four hours about web analytics. I forgot to eat lunch so I was also hungry. The way to my home, I met my wife and went to Osaka Ohsho, Chinese restaurant. We ordered unusual dumpling…

Eaing pad thai

I ate it at Thai restaurant in Shimokitazawa. This pad thai was not spicy. It's good for me. And they served coconut milk as a dessert. But I still disliked coconut milk.

Breakfast at Chianti

It was a very cold morning because a cold wave hit to Japan.I and my wife went to Chianti to eat breakfast against the cold weather. This was the first time eating breakfast at Chianti in this year. Their morning menu is buffet style. I at…

Takoyaki party

I and my wife cooked many takoyakis. We chose not only octopuses , but also squids, shrimps, clams, sausages, and mochi as ingredients. Some takoyakis didn't harden up well because of too much water. Anyway, we spent a good dinner time.

Yellow mirrors installed

I ordered adapter and installed new mirrors.My cub became cool! After this, I went to MBA Shibuya to learn English. I talked about memory in Cebu to my teacher.In the afternoon, I participated in Tokyo Eikaiwa Club. Today was almost Englis…

Takoyaki cooker arrived

I chose takoyaki cooker from catalog gift which was given at my friends wedding party. I’m looking forward to cooking takoyaki!

This was a first time to go to the Kotsu-Iccho in this year

This is salty-simmered bamboo shoots topping style. *salty-simmered bamboo shoots: メンマ 特麺コツ一丁ラーメンジャンル:ラーメン住所: 渋谷区幡ケ谷1-5-7 清水ビル 1Fこのお店を含むブログを見る | (写真提供:W251)

2017年の英語学習: How to learn English in 2017

セブ島留学と英作文 今年の12月に会社からリフレッシュ休暇をもらったので、前々から行きたいと思っていたセブ島へ英語留学に2週間行ってきた。本当に楽しくて、あっという間に過ぎた2週間だった。 セブ島の英語学校で習った英語学習法でCallan Methodという…

Today's dinner is noodle with wonton at Nishi Shinjuku

There was a heavy meal because many wontons inside the bowl...I was really stuffed. All food was delicious except noodle. I think this noodle needs some refinements. Wonton are good. I’ll try again. 広州市場 西新宿店ジャンル:ラーメン住所…